5 Things to Solve the Stock Piling

Stock piling happen because lack off market analysis. Or else,  buying a lot of product to get the price cheaper to obtain greater profits. Unfortunately because of less promo and else, there`s a lot of product were not sold. That’s why the stock be piling.
So that circulation of goods back to normal, all the stock have to be sold. There`s 5 things that you can do to solve the stock piling.
1.      Bundle the old product with new ones or favorites product. Consumers will be interested to buy because of the great deals.
2.      Make a new display. You can put the product at the place where people can seen it easily. For online product, make a new banner for the product. It will make the old product looks new for costumers and buy it hopefully
3.      Give the costumer best deals at discount price. Everybody loves product with discount prices.
4.      Create a new attractive packaging. New package will boost the value of the product although is the old one.
5.      Give it as a charity to the need. Charity won`t cost you a loss, instead it will open another opportunity you can have.
To avoid another stock piling, you have to be wiser and have sufficient knowledge about your own product and business. Always have a market analysis. Other than that, if you buying a lot of product to sale. Make sure you had the tools to sell it too. A great promotion to boost sales or looking for reseller could be an option.
If the stock piling is broken, don`t even thing to sell it for your own benefit. Maintaining the costumers loyalty is important. Don`t ruin it for some broken old stock. By doing it you might had benefit at first. But you will lost costumers as a result.

Having a loyal costumers is an investment. Great investment will give us a great benefit also at the future. 

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