One of symptom of illness
is fever. It indicate there something wrong with your boddy. Fever is not a
disease. It`s just the way how is your body sign that something going wrong in
it. That`s why we have to handle it properly
Children are susceptible
to fever. Maybe because the immune system hasn`t work properly. The right
handling are needed so that nothing bad happen. Giving the wrong medicine might
make the fever got worse.
This is 7 things you
should do when your child got fever.
1. Don`t panic. Use
thermometer to determine the child temperature. A child that got fever had body
temperature more than 38,5 degrees
2. Put short and tin shirt to
cooling the temperature. Wearing thick clothes will make the temperature got
3. Keep the children in a
cool room, if there is any air conditioner, than turn it on to keep the heet
4. You can use a cold towel
an put in armpit an groin. That’s where the large vessel are , make it cooler will help the heet down.
5. Give medicine that’s
containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. This two medicine suitable for fever. Give
the right dosage according your child age and weight.
6. Give plenty water to
drink, it`s help to release the heet.
7. Take to the doctor if
within 3 days the fever in not getting
better. There`s indication of dengue fever or other dangerous disease
Pay attention to what the
children ate. It maybe the cause of the fever. We doesn`t know what in it and
how it cooked. Give the children with healthy food, add more vegetables and
fruits on the menu.